The Attestation Légale member community

It turns out that the system’s a huge time-saver for us. .
Once they’re online, the possibility of inviting customers and suppliers to download or upload their documents avoids a huge amount of paperwork.

Coralie Bruyère, CHIEZE JARDINS ESPACES VERTS - Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

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When it’s just plain common sense to seek better competitiveness and shock simplification, Attestation Légale is making its contribution to these vast projects.
Why didn’t anyone think of it before? It’s so simple and so effective.
In concrete terms, and even though we’re only starting to use the services, we can already feel the many benefits of this administrative certificate and document exchange platform:
It’s easy to use by everyone because the tool is simple, modern and easy to deploy
Processes are simplified leading to increased rigour in achieving targets
The tool and process are efficient
The employees tasked with retrieving these documents save a lot of time and energy, as do the issuing businesses
Savings are then possible by re-assigning teams to higher added value tasks
Peace of mind: because there’s less stress and less risk.
It’s what we try to do for all our business processes.
And “once and for all”, I would conclude with a quote, which, I believe, describes the Attestation Légale team: “The real secret of success is enthusiasm” Walter Percy Chrysler
Please keep yours enthusiasm.
I wish you more success.

Hervé Pariente, GCC

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I can confirm that EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION SUD OUEST’s regional management is very interested in the Attestation Légale platform. We are aware of and vigilant about compliance with subcontracting rules and the solution you have initiated is a step in the right direction by providing legal security and simplifying administrative tasks. The deployment of Attestation Légale in our region since the second quarter of 2013 shows that we were right to believe in you. Congratulations for this excellent idea and keep up your enthusiasm.


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  • 17

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