The Attestation Légale member community

I think your platform’s really great! I wish all our subcontractors could find out about this platform, which would save lots of time and guarantee the accuracy of the documents provided, along with updates by your services. 
Your platform reminds me of another platform that was created a short time ago for declarations of intention to start works which I also use! It’s truly fabulous! 
I’m looking forward to having your brochure so that I can discuss it with my director and send it to all our subcontractors! 
This is the sort of progress I fully support!


Read the testimonial

The Attestation Légale platform is an essential tool for me because we have online access to our subcontractors’ insurance certificates. We don’t need to chase up subcontractors to get the documents (time saving). There’s less paperwork and distribution.

Nadia Pascal, BOUYGUES BATIMENT Ile-de-France

Read the testimonial

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  • 17

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69 000 entreprises partagent entre elles leur dossier administratif