The Attestation Légale member community

Our company’s senior management regularly reminded its business managers of its requirements to declare subcontractors. 
Business managers regularly failed to declare their subcontractors because they didn’t have time to get their certificates because they were busy on construction sites and arrived at the civil service offices too late. 
The subcontractors regularly came to the accounts department to beg for payment because they needed it to regularise their situation with the authorities which didn’t issue them with the certificates that would have allowed them to be properly declared to work. 
Senior management regularly blamed the accounts department for having paid a subcontractor, at the request of a business manager, that wasn’t up to date with its certificates and who shouldn’t have worked. 
At last all that’s behind us, now it’s ATTESTATION LEGALE that obtains all the certificates on behalf of subcontractors, so that they can focus on the quality of our worksites. All it takes is a few clicks for business managers to check their subcontractors’ situation before placing an order. The accounts department is reassured about the situation of the subcontractors it pays. 
Finally, senior management has more peace of mind… or can at least channel its energy into issues that are more essential for the business.

Dominique Aubry, CHANEL PEINTURE

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